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According to Sun-Times, Bears fans should quit on team???? Um, has the season even started yet?

Top story: Today is the first day of school for Chicago students. I still don’t understand why we start 3 weeks after everyone else, but I’m sure there’s a reason. Using that logic, if the Bud Billiken parade’s whole point is to get kids excited about school, then why not have the party closer to the school year? I would assume any excitement surrounding Chicago schools has dissipated. Anyway, great story to kick off the school year on our long-running Renaissance 2010. Six years ago, Daley started a campaign to open 100 new schools in Chicago by 2010. Today, the 100th school opens. B story: The cup runneth over for sports this week, but the Morrissey column in the Sun-Times today was unnecessary. It’s all about how Bears’ fans do not trust Lovie and that the season is essentially over before it begins. To quote:‚ Should they (Bears fans) root for the team to do well, knowing a good season helps Smith and general manager Jerry Angelo keep their jobs? Or should they go against their nature and root for the team to lose, hoping to rid themselves of ineptness. Memo to Morrissey: Don’t speak for me. I am worried, like every year, but I’m not throwing in the towel to rid the Bears of a coach. What happened to optimism? Geesh, save this column for when the Bears start 0-3. This is just plain jumping-the-gun. In fact, I’m kind of disgusted by this column. This is not the kind of negative bashing Bears fans want to hear BEFORE THE SEASON EVEN STARTS. C story: Labor Day brought out the best in‚ local politicians stumping for votes. All the major candidates used the excuse of labor to talk about jobs: job-killing, job creation, job-haters, job-lovers. Is it me or is this election-season jawboning about jobs too much? We get it. Jobs are important. But to me it’s‚ also obvious that someone somewhere decided this would be the secret-password for every topic debated by this year’s crop of politicians. Health care?‚ Jobs!‚ North Korea? Jobs!‚ Social Security?‚ Jobs!‚ The joke? It was actually somebody’s job to come up with this line of rhetoric. Weather:‚ My father in-law said it might rain today. Maybe tomorrow. Sports:‚ The White Sox are still 3 1/2 back to the Twins. The Sox have won 7 in a row. The Twins have won 7 in a row. This is great baseball. There’s a chance the Sox could win over 90 games and not make the playoffs. Another year, another first-game loss for Illinois. Can they stop playing Missouri? College football is great that way. I love the difficulty of going undefeated and the almost sheer impossible nature of winning every game to get to the national championship. That’s why it’s hard to like Illinois. They are always out of it before you even start paying attention. On the other hand, Northwestern won - so their national championship dreams are still alive.

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