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Local pols react to Daley's decision

Our CityRoom staff at WBEZ is firing on all cylinders right now- not only doing a live show on the radio, but also calling anyone and everyone of significance to comment on Mayor Richard M Daley’s bombshell decision not to run for re-election. We’ll post the audio they collect here for your listening pleasure.

Alderman Brendan Reilly had this to say to Sam Hudzik: [audio:/sites/default/files/archives/blogs//brendan-reilly-raw.mp3|titles=brendan reilly raw]

Alderman Joe Moore had this to say to Sam Hudzik: [audio:/sites/default/files/archives/blogs//joe-moore-FOR-AIR.mp3|titles=joe moore FOR AIR]

Congressman Danny Davis issued this statement before talking with our live coverage: I, like many other Chicagoans and political types around the world were quite surprised to learn that Mayor Daley would not be a candidate in the 2011 municipal election. Chicago is a beautiful and functioning city and Mayor Daley has contributed greatly to its development and revitalization. I commend him for that and wish he and his family well. However, Chicago like many other cities throughout America are plagued with many problems and have great needs, youth violence, crumbling infrastructure, lack of jobs, and work opportunities, public education in a state of crisis, homelessness, a lack of affordable housing and one could go on and on.

US Senate candidate Mark Kirk issued this statement: For 10 years, I worked with Mayor Daley to expand O’Hare, defend Lake Michigan and improve the quality of life for Chicago-area families. My thoughts are with him and Maggie in what must have been a deeply personal decision.

Rev. Jesse Jackson issued this statement: We thank Mayor Richard Daley for his twenty plus years of service to the city of Chicago. He should be remembered as a coalition builder. His strength was downtown urban development, more so than in neighborhood community development. Urban city mayors around the country once had the power to create and distribute jobs and services. They now have the unfortunate responsibility of distributing layoffs and cutbacks. Over the past 20 years, urban cities around the country have seen the steady reduction of jobs, services, public housing, public education and public transportation. The next major will face the burden of huge deficits and a city that is virtually insolvent. They will face an uphill battle. Mayor Daley’s announcement today highlights the need for a comprehensive urban policy agenda. We need jobs--economic reconstruction driven by targeted stimulus, reindustrialization and trade policy that will create jobs, support manufacturing in America, and put workers first. We need justice- enforcement of the law regarding workers rights, civil rights, industrial regulation, and creation of strong urban policy. At the top of the city’s agenda must be equal high quality education for all children, economic development and health policy. Lastly we need peace--ending the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, saving lives and redirecting the war budget to rebuilding our cities across America.

State GOP Chairman Pat Brady says he’s leaving the city looking “pretty good.” [audio:/sites/default/files/archives/blogs//DALEY-Pat-Brady_100907_abk.mp3|titles=DALEY Pat Brady_100907_abk] BRADY: He’s been mayor a long time, you know, of a city he obviously cares a great deal about, as does his family. So, you know, let him have his day, and I wish him well in the future.Let’s try to look on the good things and then figure out who’s going to be our next mayor. Brady says he expects Daley’s departure will suck fund-raising away from Democrats running for statewide office, as candidates will be pouring into the February 20-11 mayoral race.

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