Chicago's NPR News Source

Maybe the new mayor'll move Octoberfest back to October?

Top story: I’ve had the good fortune of having some great conversations with insightful friends about the mayoral situation in Chicago. Here’s some great anecdotes about White House Chief of Staff and possible mayoral contender Rahm Emanuel: From friend #1: We don’t want Rahm as our mayor! If he becomes mayor, Chicago will suffer at the hands of the next Republican Congress/Senate/White House. You don’t think they’ll treat Rahm’s Chicago like the city of Zion (Matrix 3 reference)? We will be absolutely cut off.‚ Say what you will about Daley, but we never had political in-fights trickle down to us. From friend #2: I disagree. Rahm gets things done. He takes on Congress, the White House, you name it. He would do a great job as mayor. It’s all about your system and your organization. This guy is the only one with a resume that suggests he could take on running a huge city. Who would you want streamlining and running the city - a former congressional leader who tells the president what to do? Or a guy who may or may not have brought his ward a new park? I will continue to bring you the wonderful insights of friend #1 and friend #2 during this election season. You can find more of their musings at B story:‚ The big story is that rank & file police officers will be marching against superintendent Jody Weis tomorrow at police headquarters. Today, Eight Forty-Eight has a call-in about the police situation in Chicago. Must-listen. C story:‚ Positive pranking!!! Mission Amy KR is calling you out, asking you to participate in their newest mission. Here’s an idea from the comments:

Where you place money inside someones bag or pocket and attach the note"¦"ËœYou have been Reverse Pick Pocketed, hope you enjoy the money"¦'

Weather: Beauty! Sports: The White Sox take to the Cell tonight for a 3 game set with the first place Twins. It would be nice to sweep, but even if they do, the Sox will still be lookin’ at 3 back from the Twinkies. Essentially, a loss in this series will mark the end of the 2010 White Sox.‚ If that happens, it might be time to turn our attention to a certain Northwestern football squad that’s started 2-0... Kicker: My wife is a huge fan of the Pioneer Woman, a cookbook author and blogger. She has a great site. She is giving away some pots and pans and will choose a winner based on a question on her site. Did I mention she has a pretty popular blog? As of right now - she has 43,789 responses. Damn, I should give away more pots.
The Latest
It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.