Chicago's NPR News Source

Global Notes: Mexican Bicentennial Edition

Global Notes: Mexican Bicentennial Edition

To celebrate the Mexican bicentennial, Team Global Notes asked Mexican-Americans here in Chicago to choose a song that makes them think of their ancestral home. Unfortunately, no one shouted “El Grito de Delores.” Chuy Negrete, a Mexican-American balladeer, performed “Cancion Mixteca.”

Adriana Gallardo from Radio Arte picked “Un Mundo Raro” performed by Aterciopelados. Rafael Navarro, better known as the rapper Scheme, chose Ramon Ayala’s “Entierrenme Cantando.” Radio M host Tony Sarabia went with Linda Ronstadt’s version of “La Cigarra.” [audio:/sites/default/files/archives/music/2010/09/wv_20100915b.mp3|titles=Global Notes]

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