Chicago's NPR News Source

#43a: Onward!

Looking to chime in regarding The Beckoning of Lovely? You’re in the right place! Click here to rsvp “lovely" in the comment section. All good things sometimes end...and involve music. Here’s a video of some Mission Bandalism work we did a couple weeks ago.

The Bandalism Mission from Corey Nuffer on Vimeo.

This week marks the end of an era for Mission Amy K.R. with the departure of Mark and me as official Mission Specialists. It’s true. In the span of several months, posters, pranking, a F*ck It List, 6-Word Treasures, and all sorts of loveliness happened. What has impacted me most, however, is The Money Tree. The video is nearing 300,000 views so far! Like me, I think so many people are watching it more than once and sharing it with others for many reasons. The video is really well made, the music is awesome, there’s suspense -- It has all the trappings of a good story, really. But there are a lot of good stories out there that get just a fraction of views, of attention. Why is this Money Tree different? Is it simply because it involves money? This is a question that has really bothered me. Further more, similar projects have garnered less attention. In the end, I think this video actually bothers me because I can’t be sure I’d see the money. I can’t be sure that if each dollar was even a $100 dollar bill, I’d see the tree. What’s worse is the pestering thought that even after watching this video, I STILL might miss the tree! I don’t know if I’d ever see the tree, but I do know that after watching the video and after being a part of Mission Amy KR, my chances are just a little bit better. It’s been so lovely. Most Sincerely, Corey Mission Specialist PS. This post is best accompanied by Devendra Banhart’s “I Feel Just Like a Child” [audio:/sites/default/files/archives/blogs//01-I-Feel-Just-Like-a-Child-11.mp3|titles=01 I Feel Just Like a Child 1]

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