Chicago's NPR News Source

Working in county government is like staying at a hotel: You can steal soap, but don't take the flat-screen

Top story:‚ It has to be the story of the Stroger aide who allegedly stole a bunch of money. Steal paperclips, pens, maybe even a couple coffee mugs, but stay away from the cash! I don’t want to turn into an SNL Weekend Update bit, but really? Are you that dumb to allegedly steal $300K from Cook County when all eyes are on the embattled and very unpopular president? I would assume that there would be memos at the State’s Attorney’s office saying “Wanted: Anyone in the Stroger administration that is thinking about stealing anything on the way out the door. This includes furniture.” Unfortunately for Oglesby, she went from a county job with a high-back leather chair to county lock-up, where her family didn’t pay bail.‚ And I thought my life was in shambles because my right headlight went out again. B story: WOAH. The New York Times ripped into Trib CEO Randy Michaels. Feder is quoted in the article and a screenshot of the blog is printed.‚ Will this be the final straw? This guy knows how to take a punch, that’s for sure. C story:‚ Can I be the first (and seems like only) new media person to question why we have editorial boards and endorsements from newspapers? It seems to be a tradition that gives much more credence and authority to major newspapers, which, in this town, haven’t necessarily earned it. And candidates seem to buy into it. They get their best suits on and go in front of the editorial boards, which now offer up video and raw audio of the interviews. Then the papers will turn around and make an assessment of that MEDIA interview and tell you who to vote for? When did I appoint the Sun-Times my supervisor? Are they in charge of hiring?‚ I would think a station like, um, I don’t know, WBEZ would be a better place to have an editorial board meeting. We don’t endorse. We strive to be objective and try to extract information on real issues so you can make a decision. Well, the reporters do. I would rather talk about the Bears. Well, the Northwest Herald thinks we should keep newspaper endorsements.‚ They say it gets the conversation started. Actually, I wanted to link to the story, went to the homepage to find it and some talking video ad starting playing about brides, which was super-annnoying, so I am not linking. But go to the site if you want to witness how a web site messes with your user experience. D story:‚ Achy Obejas had the story yesterday about an unknown (to me, at least) reggae singer named Capleton who was playing at the Kinetic Playground this weekend. So what, who cares? Well, it turns out this dude is super anti-gay. Achy pointed out how some in the gay community were going to protest the show. Well, a meeting took place yesterday and Capleton is no longer playing at the Kinetic Playground this weekend. Do you hear that anti-gay politicians running for mayor? I have a feeling you better not campaign in Uptown. Weather: It is warming up! Anyone want to hit Chain O Lakes this weekend? Sports: Quietly, the Bears cut DE Mark Anderson. He was essentially the starter on the defensive line and after four games, they’ve decided he’s not good enough to waste the face-paint on. Weird. The Bears are getting very serious about the defensive line. It’s put-up or shut-up time, because without a pass rush, this team won’t win. And for once, Lovie is holding the players (and Jerry Angelo) accountable. We don’t see that very often in professional sports. Kicker:‚ The Onion gives us gold: NHL To Allow Finishing Moves in Fights This Season.

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