Chicago's NPR News Source

The Election File: Kirk, Giannoulias debate on NBC (and the 2 other candidates hash it out in WBEZ's studios)

This morning, Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and Congressman Mark Kirk appeared in their first televised debate of the general election season. The Democratic and Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate shared the Meet the Press stage in Washington, D.C., with host and moderator David Gregory. You can check out the video of that debate here. The two other candidates on the ballot for the U.S. Senate did not score invites to the NBC debate. So we invited them into our studios on Navy Pier to answer the same questions that Gregory posed to Kirk and Giannoulias.

Changes under President Obama, economy, jobs, taxes, Afghanistan debate pt1 Social Security, health care debate pt2 Personal issues, attacks and admissions debate pt3 Areas of disagreement with their political parties, closing statement debate pt4

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