Chicago's NPR News Source

Sneed story unraveled by one simple question to Lisa Madigan

Top story: IL Attorney General Lisa Madigan was on Eight Forty-Eight this morning. She was asked if she was running for mayor. Her answer?

Madigan: (laugh) I think I’ve said it, but no one has reported it. Cuddy: Are you running for mayor? Madigan: No. My goal is to serve as your attorney general.

Tough break, Sneed. Your column is already wrong. Has anyone asked Senator Durbin? No? Good. Run with it. Top story: Mayor Daley announces his City of Chicago budget process. Waguespack doesn’t like it and Reilly says we should get our money from water costs from churches and schools. Um, how about we get our money from Lollapalooza? At least look into what DeRogatis has been writing about. Because I would rather force a music festival to pay market price than force a church to pay for their water.‚ Maybe that’s me. B story: Feder just keeps getting better and better. As the story unfolds at the Tribune about all staff e-mails and questionable behavior from the top brass, Rob leads with the story from Ann Marie Lipinski about Sam Zell. Lipinski recounts a story about the Tribune owner and a certain former governor. D story: What is with the new trend of media companies reporting on themselves? This came from the NPR Ombudsman blog - Is NPR trying to sell host Michele Norris’ new book? She has been on all four NPR shows talking about it.‚ I don’t think I should talk. Weather: It’s sooo nice out. Sports: The Blackhawks lost again? What gives? Kicker:‚ Amy Krouse Rosenthal has a great mission this week: Skype’s the limit. If you would like to talk with Amy via Skype tomorrow, she’s scheduling afternoon slots!

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