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Debate follies: Who knew Brady and Quinn could bring the funny?

Top story: Last night’s gubernatorial debate between Republican candidate Bill Brady and Democratic candidate Pat Quinn not only flew in the face of the same old, same old, boring debate, but it qualified as a laugh riot. Both candidates used their time to tell us through various platitudes why we should vote for them. But they also decided to yuk it up with one-liners and put-downs that made our moderator Steve Edwards become the stuffy headmaster, telling the audience on numerous occasions “Please, hold your applause til the end.” It was fun to listen to.‚ Is there any chance we could vote them both in? Think of the years of putdowns and hilarity! I’m not sure we learned anything, but if you are voting on sense of humor and candor - you might want to bring this into the voting booth with you.

My favorite moment: Moderator Steve Edwards, after listening to both candidates avoid a panelists question, decided to have the panelist ask the same question over again. The candidates did an admirable job not answering the question again. B story: On Friday, the Tribune accepted the resignation of Chief Innovations Officer Lee Abrams. This after he sent around an all-staff e-mail with inappropriate material.‚ Robert Feder followed up today, focusing on what history will make of this blow-up between editorial and the boardroom. Interesting though, Newsroom editor Gerry Kern doesn’t believe that Tribune Co. and the Chicago Tribune are the same organization.‚ Also on the media beat, Jen Patterson is out at Comcast because of an alleged relationship with a Blackhawks player.‚ Kind of a bad idea in the wake of the dust-up about women in the locker room. It would be like me dating Bill Brady. It just wouldn’t be acceptable since I write about him. Also, did you see this video? Last week, some numbskull from WIND radio tried to ask Rahm a bunch of leading questions while he was giving sound bites to local media. Watch Charles Thomas and Jay Levine freak out on him. Levine actually screams at him “Shut your mouth or I’ll deck you!!!!” I don’t know why, but watching local television reporters get so mad over a Rahm sound bite really gives me the giggles. Rumor has it that this guy may be looking into pressing charges based on Levine’s threats, but that’s ridiculous. You did your part. You made Chicago laugh. C story: My bloggers are killing it this week! It would be one thing to have one story (Feder gets all the credit for the Trib story), but quietly Jim DeRogatis is grabbing the establishment’s attention with his investigation into Lollapalooza. Last night, Republican candidate for Governor Brady spent a few minutes talking about how the days of secret deals in state government are over. Rahm Emanuel has talked about how we need to be more transparent with our city contracts and business.‚ Jim contends that Lolla got a sweetheart deal from the city and we could be seeing much more tax revenue from the summer festival in Grant Park. Crain’s Chicago Business Columnist Greg Hinz picked up the story on Friday and asked the same question. His final line after asking the same questions Jim asked in his work:

Those strike me as pretty good questions for the candidates to ponder as half the city prepares to run for mayor and alderman.

Attn. mayoral candidates: Looking for a new parking meter story to get Chicago’s attention?? D story: Another story our blogger has been all over: Whittier Elementary sit-in. Did you know that the sit-in to save the field house at Whittier Elementary in Pilsen has been going on for 34 days? Our Revision Street: America blogger Anne Elizabeth Moore is all over it. She’s collected the stories of the protesters over the past month and today she follows some of the parents and community organizers down to CPS headquarters to get CPS Chief Ron Huberman to execute what he promised.‚ Before the weekend, Huberman said that he would be amenable to keeping the field house operational as a library if the building was repaired. But after that sound bite, Huberman hasn’t followed through. The parents and protesters want to make sure he does. Anne is down at the headquarters this morning and will have more today or tomorrow. Weather: I’m not sure - is today a good weather day or a bad weather day? Sports: The Bears wrap-up is coming; will be up shortly. I watched the Vikings/Cowboys and Redskins/Colts last night and I didn’t see any tackle or guard make fundamental mistakes that left Jay Cutler to fend for himself against oncoming blitzing defenders.‚ Oh, I also watched college ball too. Nope. No bush league offensive line play in amateur football. It’s almost like tackles and guards figure out how to block at a very young age.‚ Huh. If I were Cutler or Forte, I might think of striking, forming a picket line outside Soldier Field. Actually, the fans should. We won’t buy any more merchandise until they figure out how to do their job. Kicker: This isn’t the kind of kicker that is all jokey, but this one is just cool. In response to Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” campaign to let GLBT teens know that bullying is a short-term thing and life does indeed go on, the Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus put this video together. Now, I’m not sure I am convinced Savage’s campaign takes on bullying the way we should, but this campaign has heart. As does this video:
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It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.