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Video: Scott Lee Cohen on the Wikipedia Files

Illinois’ 2010 Primary will forever be remembered as the time Democrats nominated Scott Lee Cohen as their candidate for Lt. Governor. The problem was, just after the election a media frenzy broke out over sordid details from his past. Fearing Cohen would doom Gov. Quinn to lose the general election, the Democratic Party encouraged Cohen to step down. After a week of grade-A Chicago media circus, Cohen held a news conference during halftime of the Super Bowl announcing he was stepping down. Three days later, Justin Kaufmann interviewed him for the Wikipedia Files. (He asked Cohen a few questions that might not make sense outside the context of the media circus: the Vertigo night club debacle and the timing of his announcement.) Now Mr. Cohen is running for governor as an independent candidate and continues to enthrall the Chicago press corp.

You might be wondering why we’re posting a video from eight months ago- it’s because our Wikipedia Files segment is now a podcast and we’re revisiting our favorite segments. Enjoy the walk through yesteryear. Subscribe to the Wikipedia Files podcast.

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