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Congressman Quigley won't run for mayor

Congressman Quigley won't run for mayor

Congressman Mike Quigley (AP/file)

The list of Chicago mayoral hopefuls is a little shorter today. U.S. Representative Mike Quigley says he will not run.

Quigley says the idea of running for mayor is very tempting. He says, “As the mayor said, it’s one of the great jobs in the world. But I have to think the one I have is pretty great too.”

Quigley says instead, he’d rather focus on his Congressional career and prepare for this November’s election.

“I can look the voters in the eye and say, yes, i’m going to be here twomore years if you’re kind enough to re-elect me,” he said.

Quigley represents Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, previously held by Rahm Emanuel who recently quit his job as White House chief of staff to run for mayor.

Quigley wouldn’t say who he would support in the mayoral race. But he thinks the next mayor should make the city’s finances a priority and take steps to improve ethics at City Hall.

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