Chicago's NPR News Source

Mission #47 Trick or Tweet!

Mission #47 Trick or Tweet!

Trick or Tweet (Flickr/Rob Friesel)


Trick or Tweet (photo by Rob Friesel)

With Halloween around the corner, here’s what you get if you knock on my Mission Amy K.R. cyber door this week:

Choose Trick:

In an effort to mend broken hearts, bruised egos and heal the world, I will mail you a band-aid (yes, a regular band-aid) with a personal, handwritten message on it. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to me at Mission Amy K.R., c/o WBEZ Chicago Public Radio, 848 Grand Avenue. Chicago, IL 60601. (If you have a specific message request, just let me know.)


Choose Tweet:

Post a short message over there in the comment section, and I will then tweet it out to the world from my Twitter account (I’m based here if you want to have a peek.) Perhaps you’d like to wish someone a happy birthday or happy anniversary...perhaps you’d like to say good luck or give a shout out... or perhaps you have obtained the meaning of life and are able to convey it in 140 characters or less... Whatever it is you feel compelled to speak/release, I shall tweet!

Hope these two offerings make your Halloween that much sweeter!

And maybe this mission will prompt some other, unconventional hand-out ideas for us all when the neighborhood comes a knockin’ on Sunday. Hmmm....



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