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Cook County sheriff halts home evictions

Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart says he’s following through on a threat to halt foreclosure evictions. It’s the second time in two years Dart is telling officers not to evict residents of foreclosed homes.

According to the Sheriff’s office roughly 500 home eviction orders from several banks have been stopped.

At an unrelated luncheon today Dart said banks including JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and GMAC/Ally Financial have been cooperating with his office. “They are working through language that we have given them and we’re waiting to hear back on that part of it,” the Sherrif tells WBEZ.

Some banks have admitted to using “robo-signers” to approve foreclosure documents quickly and without fully reviewing them. The banks missed Dart’s Monday deadline to turn in affidavits proving their documentation was done legally.

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