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Aldermen to address head injuries suffered by student-athletes

Aldermen to address head injuries suffered by student-athletes

Some Chicago aldermen want to try to cut down on the number of concussions sustained by student-athletes in the city.

Flickr/Stephen Rob Fabr

Some Chicago aldermen want to try to cut down on the number of concussions sustained by student-athletes in the city. Alderman Ed Burke, 14th, has proposed an ordinance mandating athletes be removed from the playing field if they exhibit any symptoms of a concussion.

The National Football League is also making rules changes to cut down on head injuries.

Burke said the main reason for proposing the ordinance is to educate the public.

“Medical evidence is clear that once you sustain an injury like this, you should be stabilized and not subject to further injury,” Burke said.

Burke said parents, officials and coaches are the first line of preventing concussions by student-athletes. The ordinance still needs to be voted on by a City Council committee.

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