Chicago's NPR News Source

Doctor: Rep. Giffords 'Has No Right To Look This Good'

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is “generating her own breaths ... breathing on her own,” Dr. G. Michael Lemole, section chief of neurosurgery at University Medical Center in Tucson, just told reporters.

And, he said, “I’m very encouraged by the fact that she’s done so well. ... She has no right to look this good, and she does.”

Lemole and other physicians, however, cautioned that the congresswoman remains in critical condition and faces a long battle.

Six people were killed and another 14 wounded on Saturday when a gunman opened fire at a meet-and-greet event that Giffords, 40, was holding with constituents in Tucson. Copyright 2011 National Public Radio. To see more, visit

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