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Packers v Bears: YouTube videos

This is the #1 video on You Tube for the Bears vs Packers rivalry.

If you were going to pick a song and a video that would embody what and who Chicago is, local rapper Serengeti’s “Dennehy” takes the cake. It’s not specifically about the Chicago Bears, but it definitely sums up what it is like to be a Chicago Bears fan. And it was released in 2007. Just this week, I’ve seen the video on several FB pages and have had the video forwarded to me. So Chicago is tuning in, once again.

What a deep rabbit hole the internet can be. YouTube, especially. Searching Green Bay Packers can get you highlight packages, fan-made tributes and a slew of parody rap songs. The new Wiz Khalifa tune “Black and Yellow” seems to be the song du jour this season, as the rap talks about representing your home town (in this case, Pittsburgh). So probably every city that has a sports team replaces the lyrics with their team colors.

For those more into the cheesehead, honky-tonk, tons of Wisconsites dressed like..Wisconsinites, this is for you:

And don’t forget a good-old fashioned polka song called “The Bears Still Suck.”

But enough of the pro-Green Bay video, let’s move over to the Chicago Bears side of YouTube. This is from the mid 80’s and was chosen because of its authenticity. This is what we expect from an 80’s commercial. And I would have put a Packer commercial up, but, well, there are none.

And finally, a call-out to the Bears fans. These little guys say it best. Or at least the loudest...

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