Chicago's NPR News Source

Mission #58 America's Next Top...Mama!

Mission #58  America's Next Top...Mama!

I came across this short passage I wrote when my now-teenager was about four:

This morning I poured orange juice into a Popsicle tray and stuck it in the freezer. Let me say that again: I poured orange juice into a Popsicle tray and stuck it in the freezer. When I presented the frozen treat to my daughter, she looked at me all wide-eyed, happy and grateful and said, “You are the best mom, EVER.”

Such minimal effort, such maximum punch.

And if only parenting worked like this all the time, right?

So this week I ask: what are the little tricks you all have up your parental sleeves - the small stuff you’ve done with your kid(s) that’s gone over big? And/or what’s the stuff your parents did that made a loving, lasting impression on you. (For me, it would have to be the heart-shaped hamburgers my mom made for us every Valentine’s Day. Or maybe she only made them once, but it morphed in my memory as this epic thing lasting my entire childhood-- see, I don’t even know!)

If everyone shares a tiny tidbit in the comment section, we’ll have amassed a wonderful pool of ideas to swap in no time.

And then in turn we’ll get as many of you as possible officially crowned America’s Next Top Mama! (or Papa!) Or better yet, we can call it America’s Next Top Model Parent! :)

Here’s to freezing Popsicles...and time,


p.s. want to make sure you all saw the new “2011 Overture,” which as you know was a major collaborative effort. We posted it Thursday and here it is again.

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