Chicago's NPR News Source

Mission #93: The 1st annual MISSion Amy KR Beauty Contest (or maybe first and last!)

Mission #93: The 1st annual MISSion Amy KR Beauty Contest (or maybe first and last!)

The first annual MISSion Amy K.R. Beauty Contest aims to do what other contests don’t do: recognize beauty in all its forms.

Flickr/Jeffrey Pardoen

I’m ready for a new kind of beauty contest. You too? Here we go...

Let’s quickly recap...

Go to comment section now and:

1. Tell us what state you are representing. (As in, what state of mind?)

2. Tell us what suits you best. (Bathing suit, business suit, clown suit...other?)

3. Tell us about a cool/weird/unusual little-known talent. (Touch your tongue to your elbow? Commute to work by pogo stick?)

4. Most importantly, tell us about something beautiful. (Can be anything at all...if it’s beautiful to you, it’s beautiful indeed.)

Remember, the deadline is this Friday October 7th, at 5:00pm CST. And each contestant will receive a Mission Amy KR contest crown! You know you so want one...

yours in a ball gown and heels, amy

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