Chicago's NPR News Source

Mission #95: At the beep, please describe this moment in time

Mission #95: At the beep, please describe this moment in time

It’s early morning. The kids are just off to school. The feel of their skin is fresh on my hand. I’m a few sips into my first cup of coffee. The house is quiet, still. I have not yet brushed my hair. I’m surrounded by a sea of Post-it notes, a different thought/idea scribbled on each. I hope I can weave them all together in just the right way.

* * *

This is my inner/outer snapshot of life-at-this-exact-moment. What’s yours?

Call 480-AMY KR-11 and leave me a (short-ish) message about your inner/outer snapshot...what’s in front of you, what’s on your mind, what’s on your plate (breakfast plate or figurative “life plate”)...whatever spills out is what you were meant to say. You can state your name - or be totally anonymous.

I will then make a video for us incorporating all the messages as the audio track. It’ll be nice to hear everyone’s voices.

I see this as a way to preserve a brief moment in time, yes. And as a way to get a wee glimpse into one another’s lives, yes. But most of all, as something that this quote from my friends at Coudal Partners touches upon:

“I’m not writing it down to remember it later; I’m writing it down to remember it now.”

Hope to hear from you today. (This mission and phone line will close Thursday.)


480-AMY KR- 11

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