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New Ford-UAW contract moves closer to approval

New Ford-UAW contract moves closer to approval

John Fleming, Ford executive vice president, Global Manufacturing and Labor Affairs (Left) and Marty Mulloy, Ford vice president

AP/Gary Malerba

Tuesday is a big day for union members at Ford auto plants across the Midwest. Voting is scheduled to close on a new a new four-year contract that could mean more than 1,000 jobs for Chicago and the region.

Earlier this month, Ford and the United Auto Workers reached a tentative agreement. Under it, Ford workers won’t get annual raises, but will get profit-sharing checks and a $6,000 dollar signing bonus.

Workers at Chicago area two Ford plants voted overwhelmingly against the new contracts. Among their gripes: it doesn’t pay a cost of living increase and doesn’t pay part-time workers a fair wage.

But Chicago’s workers appear to be outliers. Most plant workers around the Midwest have given the contract their blessing.

As of Monday night, the UAW reported the vote stood at 63 percent in favor. Remaining workers scheduled to vote today.

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