Chicago's NPR News Source

Mission #99: The Reckoning of the Beckoning

Mission #99: The Reckoning of the Beckoning

Photo courtesy of Mission Amy K.R.

Well, here we are, on the other side of 11/11/11.

Thank you again, so very much, to everyone who came out to the Bean on Friday. And thank you to those you who traveled far and wide! More on the event in a moment.

I’d like to begin by sharing The Beckoning of Lovely feature-length film in its entirety. As you know, it was officially released on 11/11/11. As you may not know, it’s 65 minutes long and is comprised of five parts or “movements.”

One quick aside: due to some unforeseen technical issues, we had to completely re-upload the film this morning. So if you happened to already view the film, and you posted comments, responded to the interactive prompts in the film, etc, I hope you will take a moment to re-post them. I’ve included the original video links at the bottom of this post, so you can just copy and paste your comments, should you so desire.

I hope you enjoy the show...

And now, about the 11/11/11 We Are All One gathering at the Bean!

I know that acoustics were less than ideal; try as we might, we have not been able to perfect this element. We had announced at the beginning of the event that because of anticipated acoustical issues, we actually went ahead and posted the entire script online so you could follow along. Ironically, not even THIS message was heard by all! Sigh. So, a day late and dollar short:

* Here is the script of everything that was said/done so you can at least connect the dots! *

When you read this, you’ll see that a couple Mission Amy KR readers played a significant role in the day. Thank you again to Trinity Muller of Minneapolis for your wonderful Red Scarf Project idea and kicking it off, or rather, casting off, right there at the Bean. And thank you again to Rachael Crowe of Ann Arbor for sharing your incredibly moving and personal story about what the words “Make The Most of Your Time Here” mean to you. Thank you to Alec Snodgrass of Ohio for a wedding proposal that none of us will ever forget. (And congratulations!) Thank you, Liz Song of Los Angeles, for wearing a yellow jacket. Thank you to the kids who helped hold the megaphones.

Lots more to say but I’ll wait til next week...

THIS WEEK’S MISSION: I would like to do a post next week sharing all your experiences of the day. I’ve started to hear from some of you about various serendipitous occurrences and connections, so now I invite all of you to share what you’d like in the comment section. If it feels private, you can email me at missamykr at yahoo dot com.

Stay tuned then for a more complete synopsis of the 11/11/11 gathering.

In the meantime, I remain...

ever yours,

amy p.s. As I think you know, the entire 11/11/11 Bean gathering was indeed filmed, so in about a month’s time we’ll be sharing the edited video here.






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