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Durbin: Super Committee's failure means Congress 'incapable' of solving problems

Durbin: Super Committee's failure means Congress 'incapable' of solving problems

Senator Dick Durbin AP

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, D-Ill., is commenting on the so-called super committee’s failure to craft a plan that would reduce the national deficit.

After months of talks, the committee of six Democrats and six Republicans announced on Monday that it failed to reach an agreement on the recommend $1.2 trillion in budget savings over 10 years.

The committee had until Wednesday to vote on a plan, but needed to present an outline of its plan to the Congressional Budget Office 48 hours prior to voting.

Speaking before the announcement that committee failed to achieve its task, Durbin said that should the committee fail to act, it would confirm Congress’s inability to solve the nation’s big problems.

“If the super committee fails, it will just confirm the suspicions that most people have had, that congress is incapable of taking on big issues and coming to any positive resolution,” said Durbin. “It’s happened too many times, over and over again. Threats of shutting down the government. Threats of even shutting down the economy in the course of this year. So this is further disappointment, and it won’t help the image of Congress.”

The committee’s failure means $1.2 trillion dollars in automatic spending cuts from the military budget and other domestic programs are scheduled to take effect starting in 2013.

Durbin hopes Congress can come up with the budget savings in the coming year.

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