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No details from Sandi Jackson on husband's leave

No details from Sandi Jackson on husband's leave


The wife of U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., said her priority right now is to take care of her children. These were the first comments from Chicago Ald. Sandi Jackson (7th) about her husband’s medical leave of absence from Congress.

On Wednesday morning, reporters and camera crews at City Hall were on the lookout for Sandi Jackson. They tried to get comment from her on her way in to the city council meeting. They tried to get comment from her when she went to the restroom.

Eventually, Jackson stepped up to the mics.

“I think it’s important to say that I love my husband very much. That’s the first thing,” Jackson began. “The second thing is, as a wife, my primary concern is that of my children. Just want to make sure that they’re taken care of and provided for. And we’re just going to continue doing the good that we’re doing here in the city of Chicago.”

Rep. Jackson’s office released a three-sentence statement on Monday evening. It said that two weeks earlier the congressman “went on a medical leave of absence and is being treated for exhaustion.”

Ald. Jackson on Wednesday gave no details of her husband’s ailment, where he is or how long he’ll be away from work. She thanked folks who have prayed for the family.

“It’s gratifying to know that there’s so much support,” she said. “And so I thank you very much for your interest and thank you so much for helping us through this tough period.”

Jackson left the city council meeting a bit early, before aldermen voted to let cops give out tickets for marijuana possession.

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