Chicago's NPR News Source

A quiz before flying

So long, and thanks for all the clicks.

A quiz before flying

News quiz

This’ll be the last post for the Meyerson WBEZ news blog. (At least for now. Life is long. Never say never. You know.)

Thanks to the talented WBEZ team for making me welcome in this space the last three months or so, and for tolerating my almost daily attempts to test the limits of the website production system.

And thanks to you for your comments, questions, suggestions and -- most of all -- for your attention.

As for what’s next: Stay tuned.

Comments or questions? Email

And, now, what better note on which to leave than a final news quiz?

* For help preparing thi
s week’s quiz, thanks to readers Phil Vettel, Joe Hass, Andrew Thackray, Patrick Heylin, Phil Marty, Steve Rozwalka, Jf Powalowski, Brent Zhorne and Jenna Brown Russell.
* Follow us on Twitter: @WBEZ and @Meyerson.
* Looking for previous WBEZ Meyerson news quizzes? Here you go.

The Latest
It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.