Chicago's NPR News Source

Morning Shift: December 15, 2015

Republican candidates for president last met for a debate five weeks ago, before the Paris attacks, before the massacre in San Bernardino, and before candidate Donald Trump said the United States shouldn't allow more Muslims to enter the country. That comment will surely come up when the GOP candidates meet Wednesday night in Las Vegas. Trump’s remarks have sparked a scorching back-and-forth in the news media and on the Internet, where some anti-Muslim attitudes have been on full display. We talk about what it's been like to be Muslim in America since the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino. Plus, we speak with Representative Robin Kelly of Illinois’ 2nd District. She talks about the continued fight over gun control in Congress, three years after the Sandy Hook School shootings. And, how are you making the holidays more meaningful? We get advice from Chicago Tribune family issues reporter Bonnie Miller Rubin. And a Northwestern Law professor brakes down the acquittal of Cmdr. Glenn Evans.

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