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Ousted Principal Troy LaRaviere Wins Principals’ Election

The organization representing Chicago principals and administrators has a new leader. Troy LaRaviere -- the outspoken principal who was recently removed from his job at Blaine Elementary School on the North Side -- will now lead the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association.

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Troy LaRaviere -- the outspoken principal who was recently removed from his job at Blaine Elementary School on the North Side -- will now lead the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. LaRaviere was one of only a few principals to speak against budget cuts announced last July.

WBEZ/Linda Lutton

The organization representing Chicago principals and administrators has a new leader.

Troy LaRaviere -- the outspoken principal who was recently removed from his job at Blaine Elementary School on the North Side -- will now lead the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association.

The vote results were posted on the CPAA website Thursday afternoon. LaRaviere secured almost 70 percent of the vote and his running mate, Cynthia Miller, won with almost 60 percent of the vote.

A couple hours after the results were posted online, LaRaviere put up a message on his blog saying he wants to bring all principals’ voices to the table, echoing a statement he made last week.

“I’m running for president of CPAA to make sure you get your voice heard, whether it’s a voice that agrees with mine or not,” he said. “Principals voices have to be out there. It’s part of the democratic process.”

The CPAA has been led by Clarice Berry, who will retire this summer.

The contested race initially made news after Chicago Public Schools charged LaRaviere with insubordination, dereliction of duty, and breach of contract, among others complaints. LaRaviere called the charges“politically-motivated” and posted them to his website.

CPS officials deny that LaRaviere’s removal had anything to do with the election, but he was barred from district property while he waits for the discipline process to play out. It’s unclear if CPS will ultimately fire LaRaviere.

District spokeswoman Emily Bittner said in an e-mail that all active principals and assistant principals are eligible to be members of CPAA, but many choose not to.

“CPS will continue to work directly with principals to address their concerns, issues and ideas,” she wrote.

LaRaviere has been an outspoken critic of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and backed his challenger, Jesus ‘Chuy’ Garcia in last year’s mayoral election. Many parents at Blaine believed the administration did not like LaRaviere’s outspokenness.

Some of the disciplinary charges against LaRaviere are related to his disagreement with district policies and his speaking out against central office “corrupt contracts,” one of which did turn out to be corrupt.

LaRaviere ran against Kenneth Hunter, the retired principal of Prosser Career Academy.

Hunter was recently arrested for allegedly excessively texting a woman who had asked him to stop. On Thursday, the Sun-Times reported that two top district officials -- Chief Education Officer Janice Jackson and special assistant to the CEO Denise Little -- backed Hunter’s bid to lead the association, despite discipline issues he had at CPS in 2013.

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