Chicago's NPR News Source
Taylor Nazon

Taylor Nazon

Digital Audience Engagement Manager

An organizer at heart, Taylor Faye’s work aims to deepen the relationship between WBEZ and its community through digital means. Prior to joining WBEZ, Taylor Faye worked as the lead digital organizer for Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign, where her team’s advocacy for clean air and clean water resulted in the closure of 70 coal plants across the country. Taylor Faye started her career as a youth social worker in NYC, working as a program manager for a mental health program in the Heights.

Non work-related facts: Taylor Faye was born and raised on the south side of Chicago, is a previous collegiate basketball player, loves biking, hates deep-dish pizza, and appreciates Oxford commas. She’s also a mentor for the Kairos Fellowship and is occasionally on the radio.

Other work: Check out her interviews with WBEZ’s sister station, Vocalo here, here, here and here. And her voice over work on the WBEZ podcast, Making here.