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As Supreme Court considers pivotal abortion case, clinics close at record pace


Anti-abortion activists cheers upon hearing news that they have been granted an audience with the Pope as they protest outside of a Planned Parenthood health clinic 28 July 2005 in Washington, DC. The group had walked from Maine,to Washington, DC protesting at pro-choice health clinics along the way. ; Credit: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images

A case before the Supreme Court today could vastly cut access to abortion clinics in Texas and have wider implications across the country.

The case, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, brought by several Texas abortion clinics, challenges a restrictive law that they say could reduce the number of clinics in the nation's largest southern state to just 10.

But it's not just Texas that is affected.

Abortion providers across the nation are closing at a record pace, according to Bloomberg News, which found that at no time since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973 has access depended more on a woman's zip code.

For more, we're joined by Bloomberg reporter Esmé Deprez.

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