CTF Ep 44: Manners

CTF Ep 44: Manners
CTF Ep 44: Manners

CTF Ep 44: Manners

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This week on Chewing the Fat, let’s mind our Manners. Co-hosts Louisa Chu and Monica Eng hear how Michelin starred chef / partner Bruce Sherman of North Pond restaurant gives and takes complaints. Then Monica and Louisa dine with Chicago’s legendary Breakfast Queen, chef / author Ina Pinkney and restaurateur Dan Rosenthal who share their expert etiquette tips. Plus Vietnamese-American chef / partner Thai Dang of Embeya restaurant shares his most shocking manners moment. Plus Louisa and Monica tell some delicate delicacy stories, but Did They Eat It? On this Manners episode of Chewing the Fat! Twitter: @ChuEngFat @louisachu @monicaeng (Photo by Louisa Chu / Chef Thai Dang’s pickled grilled short rib with pickled green mango, lettuce, and herbs at Embeya restaurant in Chicago)