Diabetes ‘Summit’ on Chicago’s West Side

Diabetes ‘Summit’ on Chicago’s West Side

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Community leaders and health-care professionals are gathering on Chicago’s west side today for what they’re calling a diabetes summit. From our Humboldt Park bureau, Chicago Public Radio’s Chip Mitchell reports.

A study published by the Journal of Community Health in December found that 21 percent of Puerto Ricans in Humboldt Park have been diagnosed with diabetes. That’s one of the highest rates ever measured in a U.S. population segment.

Today’s speakers include University of Illinois at Chicago sociologist Aida Gialchello. She’s known nationally for addressing public-health scourges by engaging community leaders instead of outside experts.

The meeting’s topics range from a lack of grocery stores in the neighborhood to poor diabetes screening. The organizers are hoping to create a national model for fighting the disease.

In Humboldt Park, I’m Chip Mitchell, Chicago Public Radio.