Chicago's NPR News Source

EcoMyths: Busting The Myth That Cannabis Is Just For Getting High


In this Sept. 15, 2015, file photo, marijuana plants with their buds covered in white crystals called trichomes, are a few weeks away from harvest in the “Flower Room” at the Ataraxia medical marijuana cultivation center in Albion, Ill.

Seth Perlman

We may not always think about the sources of our medicines, building materials or office supplies. Often, it's a plant.

When we think of cannabis, we tend to think of a recreational drug, but it too, is a plant. And one with many forms and applications. Hemp is a type of cannabis that’s been called the “plant of 25,000 uses.” 

For our Monthly EcoMyths segment, we're starting a series called, “What the Plant?” with Kate Sackman of EcoMyths Alliance and Jonathan Page, adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia’s Botany Department. He’s also co-founder, CEO and president of Anadia Labs, a company that researches cannabis genomics and breeding. They’ll give us the history of the plant that’s been used in so many ways for millennia.

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