Hail to the Veep: Unpacking Vice Presidential History

Hail to the Veep: Unpacking Vice Presidential History

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Hail to the Veep: Unpacking Vice Presidential History

On this President’s Day, The Takeaway looks at the role of the vice president in U.S. history and how Mike Pence has interpreted the job compared to past second-in-commands.

Migrants are Shuttered Away in Abandoned Mexican Factory, Not Allowed Exit to Request Asylum

Migrants have criticized the conditions within the facility, but human rights organizations and journalists have not been allowed in.

“The Yardstick Has Shifted”: The Joys of Being Over 40

Two women who’ve written about life over 40, and the surprising joys it can bring.


Joel Goldstein

Alice Driver

Jill Kargman

Sophfronia Scott