Chicago's NPR News Source

How ComEd keeps the 'juice' flowing

(Flickr / clarkmaxwell)

From a recent wave of hot temperatures – including Thursday’s triple-digit heat – to storm clouds overhead and the potential of severe weather today, Chicago-area folks are hunkering down inside in hopes of avoiding the extreme elements.

But when some of us get a little lazy with the heat, or the hazy, rain-drenched days, at least one team has to kick it into high gear to keep our lives – and our AC's – humming along.

We’re joined by Fidel Marquez.  He’s ComEd’s Senior Vice President, Governmental and External Affairs, and Chief Governmental and Community Relations Officer.  He’ll join us to talk about how the power utility’s planning to keep the voltage pumping during the dog days of summer.  We’ll find out how they handle electrical issues, large and small, and about the state of our power grid.

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