Chicago's NPR News Source

How Government Shutdown Impacts Public Housing, Low-Income Families

housing government shutdown

In this March 2011 photo, a cab drives through the Near North Apartments run by Mercy Housing Lakefront to provide affordable, SRO-style housing.

Eric Allix Rogers

The partial government shutdown has dragged on for more than a month, and housing advocates are warning of the potential negative impact on low-income families in Illinois.

Bob Palmer of Housing Action Illinois joins the Morning Shift to talk about how residents who rely on public assistance programs may face homelessness if the shutdown continues.

GUEST: Bob Palmer, Policy Director at Housing Action Illinois

LEARN MORE: Shutdown’s Pain Cuts Deep for the Homeless and Other Vulnerable Americans (New York Times 1/21/19)

Thousands Face Threat Of Eviction After HUD Contracts Expire Due To Shutdown(NPR 1/11/19)

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