purse handbag
Simona Sergi / Unsplash
purse handbag
Simona Sergi / Unsplash

Many women across the country sought support from shelters during COVID-19. This meant shelters needed more essential supplies to meet their needs.

Reset talks with a woman about her efforts using handbags to help women and girls in shelters across the Chicagoland area and across the world.

GUEST: Maria Castro, founder and CEO of Love Purse

purse handbag
Simona Sergi / Unsplash
purse handbag
Simona Sergi / Unsplash

Many women across the country sought support from shelters during COVID-19. This meant shelters needed more essential supplies to meet their needs.

Reset talks with a woman about her efforts using handbags to help women and girls in shelters across the Chicagoland area and across the world.

GUEST: Maria Castro, founder and CEO of Love Purse