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Illinois and Chicago Officials Brag About Efforts To Resettle Puerto Rican Evacuees

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says the Trump Administration could learn from Chicago’s success in resettling Puerto Rico evacuees. On Mondays and Tuesdays for the last month, the Humboldt Park Fieldhouse has been filled with aid workers offering evacuees help with everything from driver’s licenses to school registration. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez, and Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White were among the officials that toured the facility this afternoon.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says the Trump Administration could learn from Chicago’s success in resettling Puerto Rico evacuees. On Mondays and Tuesdays for the last month, the Humboldt Park Fieldhouse has been filled with aid workers offering evacuees help with everything from driver’s licenses to school registration. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez, and Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White were among the officials that toured the facility this afternoon.

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