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Illinois Attorney General Convenes Summit On Trump Orders

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has convened legal and civil rights organizations in the wake of what she calls “troubling” executive orders issued by President Donald Trump.

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Illinois Attorney Gen. Lisa Madigan speaks at a news conference, in Chicago.

M. Spencer Green/ AP

CHICAGO (AP) — Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has convened legal and civil rights organizations in the wake of what she calls “troubling” executive orders issued by President Donald Trump.

Groups attending Thursday’s summit include Arab American Family Services, the Chicago Urban League and Lambda Legal. Group leaders say they fear escalating hate crimes.

Madigan says orders dealing with immigration threaten America’s “history of inclusion and diversity.” She says that includes a temporary ban on travel from seven predominantly-Muslim countries. The four-term Democrat supported lawsuits against the ban. The ban was blocked in court, but Trump says he’s revising it.

On Thursday, Madigan condemned the Trump administration’s rollback of public school bathroom requirements for transgender students.

Madigan says she backs a proposal that will strengthen Illinois’ hate crime laws .

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