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Chef Darryl Fury fries Asian carp patties before a cooking demonstration at the Primo Center’s Englewood Community Kitchens Friday morning, Aug. 21, 2020. Chefs demonstrated how to cook Asian carp sliders, which will be distributed at a food relief effort.

Pat Nabong/Chicago Sun-Times


Chef Darryl Fury fries Asian carp patties before a cooking demonstration at the Primo Center’s Englewood Community Kitchens Friday morning, Aug. 21, 2020. Chefs demonstrated how to cook Asian carp sliders, which will be distributed at a food relief effort.

Pat Nabong/Chicago Sun-Times

Illinois’ carp rebrand is a flop

So far, restaurants say the effort to sell “copi” fish isn’t working out as they hoped.

Chef Darryl Fury fries Asian carp patties before a cooking demonstration at the Primo Center’s Englewood Community Kitchens Friday morning, Aug. 21, 2020. Chefs demonstrated how to cook Asian carp sliders, which will be distributed at a food relief effort.

Pat Nabong/Chicago Sun-Times


Asian carp is so bountiful in the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, it’s been dubbed the “copi” fish – short for copious.

Reset learns more about how the rebrand has worked out for restaurants so far, why some diners are still resisting and what a local entrepreneur is doing to promote copi.

GUEST: Aaron Xuandi Wang, freelance writer

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