M. Spencer Green / AP
M. Spencer Green / AP

Chicago’s $3.8 billion Deep Tunnel flood-control project was seemingly ready to go before the torrential downpours in early July. But as the rain came down, runoff overflowed onto streets and into residents’ homes in what would become a record-setting storm.

Reset learns more about the city’s Tunnel and Reservoir Plan.

GUEST: Michael Hawthorne, environment and public health reporter at the Chicago Tribune

M. Spencer Green / AP
M. Spencer Green / AP

Chicago’s $3.8 billion Deep Tunnel flood-control project was seemingly ready to go before the torrential downpours in early July. But as the rain came down, runoff overflowed onto streets and into residents’ homes in what would become a record-setting storm.

Reset learns more about the city’s Tunnel and Reservoir Plan.

GUEST: Michael Hawthorne, environment and public health reporter at the Chicago Tribune