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Karl E. H. Seigfried's tribute to jazz and boxing greats

Karl E. H. Seigfried's tribute to jazz  and boxing greats

Portrait of Jack Johnson presents musical profiles of three boxing champs. All of them had connections to Chicago. And all of them could drop a bass line as fast as they could an opponent. Local jazz musician Karl E.H. Seigfried recently talked to Alison Cuddy about his interest in the boxer-bassist double-threat. He was joined by saxophonist Fred Jackson, Jr. and drummer Dave Williams. [audio:/sites/default/files/archives/music/2010/07/848_20100730e1.mp3|titles=Boxer Musicians] Seigfried stuck around to talk about the influence that late jazz saxman and club owner Fred Anderson had on him, and many other musicians. Seigfried also performs “Mr. Anderson,” a solo bass tribute to the jazz legend. [audio:/sites/default/files/archives/music/2010/08/848_20100730f1.mp3|titles=Tribute to Fred Anderson]

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