Moving Along

Moving Along

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Er, I didn’t make it to court today. Had to wrap up another project. But I am sooo glad that jury selection is done! I’m almost finished with Jhumpa Lahiri’s latest book because of all the waiting at 26th and California. The twelve jurors and four alternates are picked, and the trial is scheduled for Tuesday, May 20. Tomorrow I’m back in court. The judge will decide if the media can view the sealed records. If so, I’ll have some fantastic weekend reading. When I’m not listening to the wonderful Chicago Public Radio, I’ve noticed that the urban stations are always playing R. Kelly. Doesn’t matter the year or the remix or if it was with the Public Announcement. I heard back to back Kells the other night, including Janet Jackson’s remix. And there’s “Honey Love,” which came on, too. Peep the future Oscar-winning actress in the video. My, my, my … 1992.