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Mueller Indicts Russians For Election Interference

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, the special counsel probing Russian interference in the 2016 election, departs Capitol Hill in this June 21, 2017, photo. On Friday, the Department of Justice announced that a grand jury has charged 13 Russian nationals and several Russian entities with violating U.S. criminal laws to interfere with American elections and the political process. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, the special counsel probing Russian interference in the 2016 election, departs Capitol Hill in this June 21, 2017, photo. On Friday, the Department of Justice announced that a grand jury has charged 13 Russian nationals and several Russian entities with violating U.S. criminal laws to interfere with American elections and the political process. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Andrew Harnik/AP

On Friday, special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for interference in the 2016 presidential election. 

Mueller alleged that the Russians conducted “information warfare” against the United States, using fake American profiles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to “sow discord” in the political system. 

Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, began plans to interfere with the American political system in 2014, according to the indictment. Their social media accounts purchased advertisements and communicated with “unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign.” 

Evelyn Farkas, the Obama Administration's deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, said “the indictments leave open the question about the involvement of Americans” in an article for The Atlantic Council. Farkas was involved in defense intelligence around Russia leading up to the 2016 elections. She joins Worldview to discuss the Russia investigation and this latest string of indictments.

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