November Mid-Month Mash Up

November Mid-Month Mash Up

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Every month, we like to check-in with our favorite local journalists and bloggers for a segment called, “Shop Talk.” We get their perspectives on the stories of the day. Then, they tell us about developments in local news that they liked, and ones they disliked. Lastly, they tell us those moments that made them go WTF!?! Joining us today are Maria Zamudio of the Chicago Reporter and Don Hall of WBEZ. Our Guest Host is Melanie Coffee of the Chicago Reporter. Here’s just one of the [WTF?!] stories we’ve got an eye on — A Brooklyn drug dealer is helping victims of Hurricane Sandy. He’s donated about two days’ proceeds from selling weed…about $700….to help people in the hard hit Rockaway section of Queens! Join us live at Carter’s - 3622 W Cermak Road, or follow the conversation online. Via twitter - @vocalo or @chicagoreporter Or give us a call at 888-635-1112 and let us know what’s on your mind.