October Mid Month Mash Up

October Mid Month Mash Up

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Every month, we check-in with our favorite local journalists and bloggers. We get their perspectives on the recent local and national news headlines that caught their attention. They tell us about the headlines that they think are good news, and ones that they think are bad news. Lastly, they tell us about those moments that made them go WTF!?! For instance, a bit of good news is the long-awaited return of Derrick Rose! Joining at the shop this month: • Angela Caputo of the Chicago Reporter • Ken Davis, host of Chicago Newsroom on CAN TV • Mick Dumke of the Chicago Reader • Alison Cuddy, Arts & Culture Reporter, WBEZ. The “Barber Shop Show” airs on Fridays and Saturdays at Noon on 90.7FM and 89.5FM. You can also stream live at www.vocalo.org.