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Our Ocean's Health: An Ecosystem on the Brink

Join C2ST and leading area marine scientists as they discuss ocean acidification, overfishing, and what we can do to address these issues.

There are many serious threats facing our oceans today. “Oceans’ Health: An Ecosystem on the Brink” will explore two of these compounding issues. First, ocean acidification: over the last decade scientists have shown that human-caused increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are affecting the chemistry of our oceans, altering the main food web and proving harmful for many forms of marine life. Second, commercial fishing: in recent years scientists have also estimated that the global supply of wild-caught seafood will run out by the year of 2048 unless stronger fishery management practices are implemented. Join C2ST and leading area marine scientists as they discuss these two oceanic issues and what we as consumers can do to have a positive impact in addressing them. The speakers at this event at Allen LaPointe, vice president of environmental quality at the John G. Shedd Aquarium, and Kassia Perpich, sustainable seafood manager at the John G. Shedd Aquarium.

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