Prosecutors End Case Against Cop in Fatal Crash

Prosecutors End Case Against Cop in Fatal Crash
José Lagunas and Nancy Flores, older siblings of the victims, say the authorities showed disrespect. (WBEZ/Chip Mitchell)
Prosecutors End Case Against Cop in Fatal Crash
José Lagunas and Nancy Flores, older siblings of the victims, say the authorities showed disrespect. (WBEZ/Chip Mitchell)

Prosecutors End Case Against Cop in Fatal Crash

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Cook County prosecutors say they’ve finished their investigation of a Chicago police officer involved in a fatal North Side crash on his way from a bar. The State’s Attorney’s Office says there’s insufficient evidence to bring new charges against him.

Officer John Ardelean’s SUV hit a sedan carrying three friends from west suburban Cicero last Thanksgiving. The collision killed two of them, 22-year-old Miguel Flores and 21-year-old Erick Lagunas.

The State’s Attorney’s Office charged officer Ardelean with felony drunk driving after a videotape showed him drinking in a Loop tavern just before the crash. But a Cook County judge in February dismissed that charge.

After another investigation, prosecutors today told the victims’ families that there’s no basis for proceeding with the case.

FLORES: I feel humiliated, I feel disrespected.

Flores’ sister Nancy spoke for the families after a meeting with First Assistant State’s Attorney Robert Milan.

FLORES: And all he can tell me, Mr. Milan, is that we should thank them for the time and their effort that they’ve put into this.

A statement from the State’s Attorney’s Office reports that most of the witnesses said there was no sign Ardelean was under the influence of alcohol. The statement said its case against the officer suffered from a failure by the police department to give the officer a Breathalyzer test immediately after the accident.

Chicago Public Radio has obtained an internal police report that says the department didn’t administer the test until more than seven hours after the crash. Police spokeswoman Monique Bond says the department has not returned Ardelean to duty yet.

BOND: Our internal investigation remains active. And we will conduct a fair and thorough investigation into the actions of the officer and the officer’s supervisors.

The families, for their part, are preparing a civil suit against officer Ardelean and the tavern.