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Struggling To Organize Your Home? Take This Personality Test


Professional organizers Katie and Kelly McMenamin argue there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to de-cluttering your home.

Unnar Ýmir Björnsson

There’s a dizzying array of approaches to organizing and de-cluttering your home. One is the KonMari method, touted by Japanese lifestyle guru Marie Kondo (if an item doesn’t “spark joy,” it’s got to go). Other methods call for working in phases, or going room by room, or doing a “30-day challenge.” 

In their new book Organize Your Way, professional organizers (and sisters) Katie and Kelly McMenamin argue that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. For their approach, the first step is a personality test, the results of which determine your organizational style.

Morning Shift talks to the McMenamin sisters, also known as “The Magical Pixies,” about how your personality informs the way you should go about de-cluttering and organizing your stuff.

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