Lake Shore Drive bad air quality
Cars pass through Lake Shore Drive as the downtown skyline is blanketed in haze from Canadian wildfires Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in Chicago. Kiichiro Sato / Associated Press
Lake Shore Drive bad air quality
Cars pass through Lake Shore Drive as the downtown skyline is blanketed in haze from Canadian wildfires Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in Chicago. Kiichiro Sato / Associated Press

So far this year, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has issued air pollution advisories 13 times – the most the state has had since 2012. So, what do we need to know when there’s an advisory?

Reset discusses how exposure to poor air quality can affect your physical health, and what you can do to protect yourself.

GUESTS: Zac Adelman, executive director of the Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium

Anastasia Montgomery, researcher with Northwestern’s Climate Change Research Group; Ph.D. student in Northwesterns’ earth and planetary sciences department

Steve Mosakowski, director of respiratory care at Rush University Medical Center; assistant professor at Rush University

Gina Ramirez, Midwest outreach manager at Natural Resources Defense Council

Lake Shore Drive bad air quality
Cars pass through Lake Shore Drive as the downtown skyline is blanketed in haze from Canadian wildfires Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in Chicago. Kiichiro Sato / Associated Press
Lake Shore Drive bad air quality
Cars pass through Lake Shore Drive as the downtown skyline is blanketed in haze from Canadian wildfires Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in Chicago. Kiichiro Sato / Associated Press

So far this year, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has issued air pollution advisories 13 times – the most the state has had since 2012. So, what do we need to know when there’s an advisory?

Reset discusses how exposure to poor air quality can affect your physical health, and what you can do to protect yourself.

GUESTS: Zac Adelman, executive director of the Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium

Anastasia Montgomery, researcher with Northwestern’s Climate Change Research Group; Ph.D. student in Northwesterns’ earth and planetary sciences department

Steve Mosakowski, director of respiratory care at Rush University Medical Center; assistant professor at Rush University

Gina Ramirez, Midwest outreach manager at Natural Resources Defense Council