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Trump's New Campaign Manager Has Rebranded Leaders From Ukraine To Zaire

Donald Trump File

Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump holds a plane-side rally in a hanger at Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport in Vienna, Ohio, Monday, March 14, 2016.

Gene J. Puskar

The new man behind Donald Trump's campaign, Paul Manafort, has made a name rebranding some of the world’s most controversial leaders.

The Washington lobbyist has worked with governments from the Philippines, Zaire, Angola, Ukraine, Russia, and Pakistan. He’s lobbied on behalf of controversial leaders like Ferdinand Marcos, President Mobutu Sese Seko and Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych.

Now, he’s taken the job of campaign manager for Donald Trump. We talk with Kenneth Vogel, Chief Investigative Reporter for Politico, about Manafort’s international connections.

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