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Weighing in on Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a growing problem and one South Side community is taking action.

The plan involves getting parents and kids access to fresh produce. Englewood activists are worried that the lack of fresh food options is the reason children are overweight.

Teamwork Englewood is partnering with other local community groups to find solutions. Rodney Walker is the executive director of Teamwork Englewood. He says tackling obesity has come to the forefront of community concern.

WALKER: In our quality of life plan, the fifth goal talks about health and access to fresh fruits and vegetables, having more options around recreation.

He says there is talk of providing mobile food carts around the neighborhood, healthy-options vending machines and new youth sports leagues.

Leaders will be discussing these and other issues at a child obesity summit they’re holding today.

I’m Natalie Moore, Chicago Public Radio.

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